Camera trapping pilot 3 was a test of the effect of lens angle, as well as a test of the influence of camera height and being deployed outside herbivore exclosures (security, herbivore damage, more varied habitat types). At each of three locations (all in the area Westweg of the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes), both a regular lens Snyper Commander camera (52°) and a wide lens Wilsus Tradenda camera (100°) were deployed (n = 6 cameras). The cameras were placed at different heights at each location (30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm above the ground). A month of data from this pilot was annotated, from 1st March 2023 to 31st of March 2023. This led to a total of 16,020 annotated images over 31 days from six cameras. A detailed description of the dataset can be found in a data paper published in the journal Data in Brief (Evans et al. 2024,
The data in this resource has been published as a Data Package.
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dune ecosystem;
camera trap;
biodiversity monitoring;
Natura 2000;
wildlife camera
座標 |
[[[4.513589, 52.334163], [4.516544, 52.334874], [4.516069, 52.334636], [4.513589, 52.334163]]] |
Coordinate precision |
- |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Apodemus |
Taxon rank |
genus |
Vernacular names |
bosmuizen [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Bufo bufo |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
common toad [eng], gewone pad [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Dama dama |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
fallow deer [eng], damhert [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Fringilla coelebs |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
common chaffinch [eng], vink [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Homo sapiens |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
human [eng], mens [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Mustela putorius |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
European polecat [eng], bunzing [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Parus major |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
great tit [eng], koolmees [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Passeriformes |
Taxon rank |
order |
Vernacular names |
passerines [eng], zangvogels [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Saxicola rubicola |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
European stonechat [eng], roodborsttapuit [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Scolopax rusticola |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
Eurasian woodcock [eng], houtsnip [nld] |
Taxon id | |
Scientific name |
Vulpes vulpes |
Taxon rank |
species |
Vernacular names |
red fox [eng], vos [nld] |
Start / Start |
2023-03-01 / 2023-03-31 |
標題 |
Data from three camera trapping pilots in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes of the Netherlands |
說明 |
Three pilot studies were conducted to test the autonomous deployment of wireless 4G wildlife cameras with solar panels and automated data transmission in the coastal dunes of the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes, The Netherlands. Monitoring and management of grazing mammals such as the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and the European fallow deer (Dama dama) is of key interest in this nature reserve, as they slow down the rate of natural succession and alter plant species composition and vegetation structure through grazing and digging. These grazers as well as predators such as the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) have typically been monitored using traditional survey methods such as transect and areal counts, but only once or twice a year. The study was aimed to test the feasibility and methodology of running long-term autonomous monitoring networks with wildlife cameras. This involved the testing of power usage, data transmission, and data accumulation, and the robustness of cameras to herbivore damage. Furthermore, the pilots specifically tested how the detection of focal species (rabbits, deer, foxes) differs with deployment heights, camera lens types and the placement in different habitats. The pilot also provides labelled images for the development of deep learning algorithms to automatically identify species.
Work was carried out as part of the development of the monitoring demonstration sites of a large-scale research infrastructure project ARISE. |
Path | |
Sampling design |
opportunistic |
Capture method |
[activityDetection] |
Observation level |
[event] |
Individual animal |
false |
Evans J, Zilber R, Kissling W D (2024). Camera trap data recorded during pilot studies in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen - pilot 3. Version 2. University of Amsterdam / IBED. Camtrap DP dataset.
Evans, J.C., Zilber, R., & Kissling, W.D. (2024). Data from three camera trapping pilots in the Amsterdam Water Supply Dunes of the Netherlands. Data in Brief, 54, 110544.