Dataset on the clutch collection of Bernard van Dooren

最新版本 published by Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF) on 4月 2, 2024 Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF)
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The dataset concerns 690 clutches with collected bird eggs and approximately 4500 found but not collected clutches, mostly in The Netherlands. Much information was available about each clutch from the collector Bernard van Dooren. This included: locality, number of eggs, reference date, status of breeding (lightly bred, severely bred), number of young on reference date, number of young eventually ringed, ring numbers, nest height, habitat and other ecological data. The collection is preserved in Naturalis, Leiden and so are the eight notebooks of Bernard van Dooren.


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此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: d1805c77-25fa-4538-8c32-3d32a9883259。  Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF) 發佈此資源,並經由Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Metadata; De Kempen; eggs; Bernard van Dooren.


Frank de Miranda
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Avifaunistische Kring Nederland
IJskelderlaan 3
NL-3941 HS Doorn
Jan van Dooren
  • 出處
Aarperstraat 35
NL-5563 BJ Westerhoven
Jeroen Creuwels
  • 出處
Data manager
PO Box 9517
NL-2300 RA Leiden


Mostly The Netherlands, and in particular De Kempen area in the Province of Noord-Brabant. Also Belgium and in a few cases also other countries in the world.

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [38.879, -79.47], 緯度北界 經度東界 [65.721, 25.318]



Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Apodiformes, Charadriiformes, Galliformes, Passeriformes, Strigiformes, Coraciiformes, Accipitriformes
Family Fringillidae, Scolopacidae, Alcedinidae, Sylviidae, Corvidae, Prunellidae, Accipitridae, Hirundinidae, Strigidae, Muscicapidae, Phasianidae, Emberizidae, Apodidae, Turdidae, Acrocephalidae, Paridae


彙整期間 1905-1977


Digitizing diaries of Bernardus van Dooren with detailed information about the clutches from 1930-1970.

計畫名稱 Digitalisering historische legseldata van 150 vogelsoorten uit de Kempen
辨識碼 nlbif2022.006
經費來源 NLBIF call
研究區域描述 De Kempen area, Noord-Brabant as well as other areas in The Netherlands
研究設計描述 Diaries were analyzed and all relevant data about the collected and found clutches were retrieved and entered in an excel sheet. Especially data on location, bird species and collectors were collated, as well data on the clutches (eggs, young, failures etc) and the habitat in which the clutches were found.


Tineke Laar
Arend-Jan van Dijk
Jan van Dooren
Wigle Braaksma
Frank de Miranda
Folkert de Boer


Methods and skills of Bernard van Dooren are described in: Van Dooren J. & J.F.J.Jansen 2018. Eierzoeker in de Brabantse Kempen: Bernardus van Dooren (1908-1988), Limosa 91.1: 38 – 43.

研究範圍 Most clutches are collected in the De Kempen by collector Bernard van Dooren in the 1930s-1970s.
品質控管 Quality control was obtained including Jan van Dooren -- son of Bernardus van Dooren -- in the team. He accompanied his father often in the field while collecting clutches. Questions that arose during the digitization process of the diaries, such as geographic locations, habitat, and other issues, were checked with him.


  1. Analyzing the diaries on the diversity and consistency of quantitative and qualitative information
  2. Structuring the dataset according this information
  3. Entering the data from the diaries, evaluating the intermediate results and adjusting the structure of the dataset where necessary.
  4. After completing entering, checking thoroughly all data per species successively.
  5. Adding information on taxonomy (based on the Dutch Species Register) and geographic information by a) transforming Dutch grid coordinates into WGS84 coordinates and their uncertainty as well by b) georeferencing textual locality descriptions.
  6. Writing a R-script to transform the data from Excel into DarwinCore, producing a occurrence file and measurementOrFact file
  7. Publishing dataset and adding detailed metadata
  8. Publishing original spreadsheet with more details on Zenodo.


  1. Van Dooren J. & J.F.J. Jansen 2018. Eierzoeker in de Brabantse Kempen: Bernardus van Dooren (1908-1988), Limosa 91(1): 38 – 43.
  2. BernardusVanDooren_DigitalisatieProject_NLBIF2022.006 10.5281/zenodo.10888751


In the dataset there are several fields that use codes are definitions that might be not immediately clear. For eventDate the reference date ("Referentie-datum") is used. This is the when the maximum number of eggs is found, which in most case will be the date when a clutch was found. Record number is the number used by Bernardus van Dooren for each clutch (these numbers were not fully unique or consistent, there a new occurrenceID has been created) The term "eimaten" (egg measurements) means how many eggs are measured (length * width) (data on eggs are at Zenodo) For the following terms the different enumerations are used (when value = it means no information is available): "legsel_grootte": 0 means present but number unknown "legsel_voltallig": 0 means present but number unknown, 1 means certain about the clutch size ("legsel_grootte") "aantal_eieren": 0 means present but number unknown "nesthoogte_in_cm": 0 means between 0 and 5 centimeter "verstoord_verlaten": 0 means disturbed after the reference date, 1 means disturbed on the reference date "nest_in_menselijk_materiaal": 1 means breeding in a nest box, 2 means breeding in other anthropogenic material

目的 Digitizing notebooks of Bernardus van Dooren with detailed information on found and collected clutches in the 1930s up to the 1970s. These notes have a high historical value and are a rich source of data on the breeding biology and breeding distribution of birds in the Kempen area, province of Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands at that time. The full dataset can be found at Zenodo , NLBIF community.