WIWO (NL) - Migration of Pacific Golden Plovers through North-Eastern Mongolia

Latest version published by Working Group International Waterbird and Wetland Research (WIWO) - The Netherlands on Apr 14, 2020 Working Group International Waterbird and Wetland Research (WIWO) - The Netherlands

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During a 16-day expedition in may 2005 the migration of Pacific Golden Plovers through the Mongol-Daguur Strictly Protected Area in North-Eastern Mongolia was monitored. Pacific Golden Plovers were caught using a Wilsternet. Additionally, passing flocks were counted, and casualties during catching were dissected.

Data Records

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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Working Group International Waterbird and Wetland Research (WIWO) - The Netherlands. To the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 1dcc7df9-e92d-4c6a-a4d8-547138ba6f5d.  Working Group International Waterbird and Wetland Research (WIWO) - The Netherlands publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility.


Occurrence; Observation; Migration; North-Eastern Mongolia; Birds


Tom van der Have
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
P.O. Box 6521
NL-6503 GA Nijmegen
Doina Mani
  • Metadata Provider
data specialist
P.O. Box 93102
NL-1090 BC Amsterdam
Niels Raes
  • Processor
Node Manager
PO Box 9517
NL-2300 RA Leiden
+31 71 7519362

Geographic Coverage

The Mongol-Daguur Strictly Protected Area

Bounding Coordinates South West [49.27, 114.6], North East [49.95, 116.1]

Taxonomic Coverage

Pacific Golden Plover

Species Pluvialis fulva (Pacific Golden Plover)

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2005-05-15 / 2005-05-30

Sampling Methods

Pacific Golden Plovers were caught and ringed with the use of a wilsternet. The catchers wait behind a hide at about 30 metres distance from the net, with a pulling line attached to it. Besides dummy birds and a whistle to imitate the bird calls, a speaker setup playing recorded calls of the Pacific Golden Plover was used to attract the birds. The following variables were determined for all caught Pacific Golden Plovers; sex, age, body mass, and the sizes for wings, tatoe, headbill and bill. Casualties occurred among the caught birds, these were dissected, and additionally measured for the weight of body fat and the length of the digestive tract.

Study Extent During two weeks samples have been collected daily, at two locations. From the 15th of may until the 24th of May the sample location was Galuut Nuur lake and from the 26th of may untill the 30th of May the Khukh Nuur lake.

Method step description:

  1. Data was extracted for wiwo report 87. downloaded from: http://wiwo.org/wiworeport87mongolia2005.pdf.

Additional Metadata

Purpose To gain a better understanding of the stopover behaviour of Pacific Golden Plovers, and of the importance of this area for this wader species.
Alternative Identifiers 1dcc7df9-e92d-4c6a-a4d8-547138ba6f5d