Earthworms and potworms in Dutch soils from the National Biological Soil Monitoring project 1997-2014

Evento de muestreo
Última versión publicado por National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) el jun 21, 2024 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Fecha de publicación:
21 de junio de 2024
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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In the Netherlands, soil biological measurements were carried out in a nationwide monitoring program between 1997 and 2014. The purpose was to complement the obligations of the Biodiversity treaty of Rio de Janeiro (1992), by measuring soil biodiversity in a functional context. In total circa 450 locations were selected in a random stratified design, comprising 12 dominant combinations of land use and soil type. In The Netherlands 60 to 70% of the soils are in agricultural use, which is reflected in the distribution of the data. The 12 categories were sampled in a six-year cycle. Only 2 cycles could be completed entirely. The monitoring network was designed to give a cross-section through the soil ecosystem, from microbes to earthworms. Moreover, soil physical and chemical characteristics were measured. The sampling strategy was unorthodox, because the entire farm area was considered to be the unit of sampling.

In this dataset the average values out of six subsamples is given per square metre for: abundances, taxonomic diversity and biomass of earthworms (Lumbricidae) and potworms (Enchytraeidae). Eatrhworms were counted in 6 soil blocks of 20x20x20 cm. Potworms in 6 soil cores, 15 cm deep and 6 cm in diameter. In addition to the national monitoring program, data are available from (smaller) experimental fields. A general description of the monitoring program and methods is pubished in Rutgers et al. 2009 (European Journal of Soil Science, 60, 820-832. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2009.01163.x)


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Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 5ba29440-cdb5-4c7c-b98e-1b9adfc75173.  National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility.

Palabras clave

Samplingevent; Earthworms; Potworms; Lumbricidae; Enchytraeidae; soil biodiversity; ecosystem functions; farming systems; The Netherlands


Ton Schouten
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Originador
Senior Scientist Soil Ecology
National Institute for Public health and the Environment (RIVM)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
NL-3721 MA Bilthoven
Michiel Rutgers
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Senior Scientist at Centre for Sustainability, Environment and Health (DMG)
National Institute for Public health and the Environment (RIVM)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
NL-3721 MA Bilthoven
Harm Keidel
  • Originador
Senior Scientist Soil Biology
LIOS Biological soil consultancy
Corridor 20
NL-3893 BD Zeewolde
Ron de Goede
  • Originador
Senior Scientist Soil Biology
Wageningen University and Research (WUR)
Droevendaalsesteeg 3
NL-6708 PB Wageningen
Jeroen Creuwels
  • Originador
Data manager
PO Box 9517
NL-2300 RA Leiden

Cobertura geográfica

The Netherlands and Belgium

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [50,761, 3,407], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [53,415, 7,184]

Cobertura taxonómica

Species of earthworms and potworms in Dutch soils

Familia Lumbricidae (earthworms), Enchytraeidae (potworms)

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1997-05-01 / 2014-04-15

Datos del proyecto

The Biological Indicator for Soil Quality (BISQ) is a multidisciplinary project in a cooporation of several research insitutes. The main object of the project is to develop quality standards for functional diversity of soil organisms outside protected area’s, to fill in the gaps in knowledge in the functional aspects of biodiversity. Because (systematically collected) historical data are missing and complete references for soil ecosystems are absent, a biomonitoring programme has been started within the abiotic Dutch Soil Quality Network. It consists of 10 categories of land use and soil type, each with 20 replica’s, resulting in 200 locations. The abiotic network has a cycle of 5 years, with 40 locations sampled and analysed each year. Additionally organic (biological) farming has been chosen as a reference, assuming that it provides a more sustainable form of agriculture. In principle each land use category is complemented with 10 organic farms. Biological indicators are derived from a soil food web approach. They link biodiversity with ecological processes like (potential) mineralisation of carbon and nitrogen, soil formation and stability.

Título Dutch Soil Quality Network
Identificador Project M/607604
Fuentes de Financiación Ministery of Infrastructure and Water management, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality.
Descripción del área de estudio Major land-use types in The Netherlands.

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. M. Rutgers, A. J. Schouten, J. Bloem, N. Van Eekeren, R. G. M. De Goede, G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis, A. Van der Wal, C. Mulder, L. Brussaard, A. M. Breure (2009) Biological measurements in a nationwide soil monitoring network. European Journal of Soil Science 60 (5): 820-832.

Metadatos adicionales

Identificadores alternativos 5ba29440-cdb5-4c7c-b98e-1b9adfc75173